Providers are now about halfway through what likely will be the most dangerous stage of the coronavirus crisis and must remain strictly vigilant, the former head of the Food and Drug Administration warned operators.
“We have two hard months ahead of us, maybe three,” said former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb in November at Leading-
Age’s annual meeting and expo.
“We’re in sort of the final stages of the acute phase of this pandemic. I liken it to being in sort of the seventh inning of the acute phase of the pandemic. The next couple of months are going to be hard.”
His advice: “Don’t let your guard down, continue to be vigilant, and be even more careful because this is probably going to be the most dangerous phase of the pandemic.”
Gottlieb added that he didn’t think nursing homes would have an issue ensuring their workers get doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, once one is available.
“People are going to make the informed judgment to get themselves vaccinated, especially people who are medical workers,” he predicted.
From the December 2020 Issue of McKnight's Long-Term Care News